No need for grinding in TES Online

ImageAccording to the developers of the upcoming free-to-play MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online, the game won’t be an endless routine of grinding all kinds of low-key activities. The people at Bethesda Softworks plan to get rid of grinding to differentiate themselves from the gross of other MMOs, such as World of Warcraft and League of Legends, so don’t expect to go out in the world, continuously hunting small animals for resources to smith iron daggers, like you could do in Skyrim if you wanted to get to level 100 smithing fast.

INFO: Grinding is a term used in many RPGs and MMOs, depicting the use of repetitive tasks to level up your character without having to do some actual work (e.g. killing monsters with a low level).

TES Online releases somewhere around Spring 2014 and will be available for PC, Xbox One and PS4. If you missed out on the gameplay demo, you can watch it here.

F2P coming to next-gen consoles

Mark Rein, the Vice President of Epic Games, has just revealed on the Game Horizon conference that Microsoft and Sony are embracing free-to-play games and in-app purchases in those games. Although the 2 companies don’t say much about it, Rein is very confident that it’s the truth. Here are his words:

“The next-gen consoles are going to be fully embracing the free-to-play and these IAP-type business models. So in case you don’t know that, I’m putting that out there. Sony and Microsoft are both going heavily in that area.” On the statement that Sony and Microsoft hadn’t said anything like that, he reacted: “Well, I’m telling you. I’m telling you what they’re telling developers.”

With E3 coming in a couple of weeks, maybe we’ll know soon enough what Microsoft and Sony are planning for their next generation of consoles.