Ouya donates a million dollars to Kickstarters

20130810-143702.jpgToday, the developers of Ouya, a game console designed to make indie game development easier, have announced they will donate a total of 1,000,000 dollars to several Kickstarter projects set up to fund indie games. They will divide the money among projects ranging from a 50,000 to a 250,000 dollar treshold. The fund is called Free the Games. If you want, you can check out the website here.

Shovel Knight triples Kickstarter goal

ImageShovel Knight, an action-adventure platformer and a hommage to 8-bit games, has ended its funding with more than triple the asking amount. The Kickstarter topped off at $311,502 but the required amount was only $75,000. Backed by around 14,750 contributors, all the funding goals were reached, giving the game some extra in-game content. Funder rewards have yet to be revealed, but Yacht Club Games is setting up a blog to keep everyone posted about them. The Kickstarter may have ended, but you can keep funding via Paypal. Shovel Knight will be available for PC, Mac, Linux, 3DS and Wii U.